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A romantic comedy nails a lesson about following a dream


Warning - spoiler alert

In the movie “Last Christmas” (2019) we follow the protagonist Kate (Emelia Clarke).

Kate's life is a mess, and she appears to be lost. She works in a shop selling Christmas articles. But her dream is to be a singer. We see her go to multiple auditions.

Next to the shop there is a homeless shelter, and one of the volunteers there is handsome.

A perfect setup for typical Hollywood romantic comedy. We'd expect a fairytale love, and to see her fulfil the dream of singing at a big stage.

But the auditions leads her nowhere.

However, one day Kate finds out that she could help to raise money for one of the homeless people who is begging on the street. She stands next to the beggar and starts to sing Christmas carols. She faces a harsh reality. Most people ignore her. There is no glory or glamor. But she is happy. She does what she loves. After overcoming the first minutes of nervousness, she gets into the grove, and some people even stop, smile and give money.

Her street performances becomes regular, and she gets involved with the homeless shelter. Some of the homeless people get inspired and chime in with her singing. They are not great singers, but it spreads happiness and hope.

Would she get discovered on the street by a producer?

Nope. Still no fame and glory. But she does something more powerful. At the end of the movie she takes the initiative to  organize a Christmas concert together with a choir of homeless people. She finally get to stand on a stage... in a homeless shelter.

I found the lack of glamor to be a good reminder of reality. There is no overnight success. We have to put in the hard work.

It also is a lesson of inspiration to entrepreneurs and creatives.

Instead of clinging to a dream of being “discovered” (or getting funded), Kate just started to do what she loved. She didn't need permission to sing on the street.

In the new economy you don’t need approval of the gatekeepers to start. Now it is up to you to select yourself. Start working with what you have. Develop your talent. Find your audience or customers yourself. Do good things, and good things come back to you.

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you, create the opportunities yourself.